Books by G.I. Gurdjieff
​Books by others in the Gurdjieff canon:
These books provide helpful approaches to the rich system of ideas in the Gurdjieff teaching.
Conge, Michel. Inner Octaves. Toronto: Dolmen Meadow Editions, 2007.
de Hartmann, Thomas and Olga. Our Life with Mr. Gurdjieff. London: Penguin Arkana, 1992.
Laignel de Salzmann, Olivier. In the Moment: Conversations with Olivier Laignel de Salzmann on the Teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff., 2024.​
Needleman, Jacob. Introduction to the Gurdjieff Work. Sandpoint: Morning Light Press, 2009.
Ouspensky, P. D. The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution. New York: Hedgehog Press, 1950.
Pentland, John. Exchanges Within. New York: Continuum, 1997.
Vaysse, Jean. Toward Awakening. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1979.
Walker, Kenneth. Venture with Ideas. New York: Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1952.
Published on the seventieth anniversary of Gurdjieff's death, Gurdjieff Reconsidered produces a portrait of Gurdjieff as a humane presence, a sophisticated thinker, and a genuine mystic.
WATCH VIDEO: Gurdjieff Reconsidered: The Man, the Teaching, the Legacy
Potter's House Bookstore, Washington, DC
Roger Lipsey, author • May 2019
Online Resources
For extensive information about the Gurdjieff teaching, G. I. Gurdjieff, and centers worldwide for the study of his teaching, the best online resource is the Gurdjieff International Review.
The following articles are suggested, as they are especially informative:
"The Look from Above" by Jeanne de Salzmann
"G.I. Gurdjieff and his School" by Jacob Needleman
"Gurdjieff Observed" by Roger Lipsey
"Sacred Dance: The Search for Conscious Harmony," an interview with Pauline de Dampierre
The Study and Research Center for Knowledge of Man, founded by Henri Tracol